Azure Backup is a cost-effective, secure, one-click backup solution that is scalable based on your backup storage needs. The centralized management interface makes it easy to define backup policies and protect a wide range of enterprise workloads, including Azure Virtual Machines, SQL and SAP databases and Azure file shares.
Azure Backup also replaces our existing on-premises or off-site backup solution with a reliable, secure, and cost-competitive cloud-based solution. It is used as cloud storage to back up our data to the cloud, but we can also use our existing local disc to back up the data.
Advantage of Azure backup
Cloud backup solves the storage capacity problem. There are many business benefits to the unlimited storage capacity cloud-based backups offer.
Cloud backups work on a pay-per-use subscription model, which has a very low barrier to entry.
Cloud backup solutions are simple to deploy if we compare these to traditional on-premise backup solutions.
With Cloud backups, there are no long-term contracts and no hardware, software, and storage investments.
Cloud backups ease the management burden of administering data protection solutions.
Support Backup Types
Back up files, folders, and system state using the Microsoft Azure Recovery Services (MARS) agent. Or use the DPM or Azure Backup Server (MABS) agent to protect on-premises VMs (Hyper-V and VMware) and other on-premises workloads.
Azure VMs
You can back up entire Windows/Linux VMs (using backup extensions) or files, folders, and system state using the MARS agent.
Azure Managed Disks
Back up Azure Managed Disks
Azure Files shares
Back up Azure File shares to a storage account
SQL Server in Azure VMs
Back up SQL Server databases running on Azure VMs
SAP HANA databases in Azure VMs
Backup SAP HANA databases running on Azure VMs
Azure Database for PostgreSQL servers (preview)
Back up Azure PostgreSQL databases and retain the backups for up to 10 years
Azure Blobs
Backup Azure Blobs from Azure Storage account
How Azure Backup Works

Azure Backup delivers these key benefits
Offload on-premises backup
Back up Azure IaaS VMs
Scale easily
Get unlimited data transfer
Keep data secure
Centralized monitoring and management
Get app-consistent backups
Retain short and long-term data
Automatic storage management
Multiple storage options
Backup features
The following table summarizes the supported features for the different types of backup.
